Successful Diaper Drive!
Thank you all for your continued support of Cal’s Student Parent Center! BSL organized a diaper drive at the local Safeway on College, and collected boxes and boxes of free...
Thank you all for your continued support of Cal’s Student Parent Center! BSL organized a diaper drive at the local Safeway on College, and collected boxes and boxes of free...
BSL threw our Welcome Week event last Wednesday at the Campanille Esplanade. We had a great turn out and got lots of sign ups for the upcoming semester. In addition to...
Berkeley Students for Life attended the Student Parent Welcome BBQ yesterday. There were approximately 50 families, parents, and their respective children for a turn out of over a hundred persons....
Berkeley Students for Life will be holding our first meeting and info session on Wednesday, August 29 from 7-8pm in 201 Wheeler. We will go over our program The traits...
This Saturday (August 25th), the Student Parent Center is having a BBQ, and we are babysitting to show our support! This is a great way to meet the people we...
We are hosting a diaper drive at the Safeway on College from 11-3 on Saturday September 8th. Email us at if you can volunteer for an hour or so....